VidiNexus provides museums, events, offices and shops with interactive screens, lights and action to enhance your visitor’s journey. Our goal is to help you make sure your visitor feels welcome and taken care of.
To make this easy and always up to date, VidiNexus gathers your content from various online platforms based on your location, target group, or specific event, and streams it on an interactive social screen.
Visitors can get any content from screen directly on their phone or by email, to see, scan and share!

Show your social media where it counts. Contact visitors directly at the entrance of your own or shared building

Get to know your visitors with surveys, products, portofolios and programs of your event. Use existing webapps to make life easier for your visitor…and for you!

Anything shown on screen is directly shareable by QR or email. Visitors can respond to your posts and give them your story: save paper flyers, go all digital!
VidiNexus EXPOmatic offers cloud-based, customized hardware solutions that enhance visitor experiences, manageable remotely from anywhere.

A warm welcome anywhere
Whether in a reception area, trade show, or exhibition where people come together, VidiNexus products provide a warm welcome and enrich the visitor experience with simple 24/7 online management.

Innovative projects
We are keen on collaborating with other innovative organizations, both large and small, such as the University of Twente, Windesheim, Saxion, and Thales, as well as local museums
Every shape and size in hardware is possible: column, table, wall, or tablet. Suitable for the location, your visitors, and your goal. Manage globally and easily through the link with existing content.


“Beeldcollecties, quizzen en social media zijn een interactieve verrijking voor Museum ’t Stadhuus”
Historische Vereniging Hardenberg
- Historisch Centrum Overijssel – Grote Kerk in Zwolle
- Stadkamer Zwolle
- Rai Amsterdam, ISE
- Museumfabriek
- Stadsmuseum Hardenberg
- Pitchkoff, Breda
- Robeco
- World Trade Center
- Kemin Europe
Call us to get inspired!
Or inspire us!